“Fall Ball Classic”
Money Golf Tournament
Saturday, September 28 – 9:00 Shotgun
Albion Ridges Golf Course – Annandale
1st – $1,200
2nd – $1,000
3rd – $800
4th – $600
5th – $300
Based on 30 teams/60 players
$135 total
$64 – golf, cart, range balls
$71 – prize pool
2 long drive @ $50
2 CTP @ $50
2 long putt @ $50
2-Man Best-Ball (Net)
27 holes
One player must be 12.5 USGA or less
Handicaps will be adjusted to Albion Ridges and for 27 holes
80% of adjusted handicap will be used for tournament
Golf Genius will be used for scorekeeping. One person in each foursome MUST enter the scores.
Contact Marty Mangold to enter:
(612) 423-6339 | marty.mangold@cbburnet.com