Traveling Teams

The BMGA is proud to support four different traveling teams, including the 12-Man Team, the 8-Man Senior Team, and two teams in the fully handicapped Metro Seniors League.

Always contact your team captain for the complete schedule.

12-Man Team

The 16-man team plays five matches with divisional teams either at Brookview or at opponents’ courses before the playoffs. The format of play is similar to the Ryder Cup: two players from each team play a non-handicapped 4-ball match for 3 total points: 1 point for the front nine, 1 point for the back nine, and 1 point for overall. The team with the most points wins the match. 

12-man team this year is competing under Captain Richard Brynteson.

8-Man Senior Team

There is also an 8-man senior traveling team available only to seniors that play matches similar to the 16-man team.

Players must be an amateur, a member of the MPGA member club they are representing and have a Handicap Index for the current season. Players must be at least 55 years of age or older at the time of the competition. Note: all players must play from the same tees.

For 2024 there is no Senior 8 man team due to lack of interest and lack of a Captain.

Metro Seniors League

Additionally, Brookview has two teams entered into the fully handicapped Metro Seniors League and competes with other courses in the metro. Any BMGA member with a current handicap and who is over 50 during the year of competition can participate. The rounds are on Friday mornings at area courses.  For each team, Brookview sends 4 players per round (A,B,C,D).  For more information check out the league website at or contact one of the Team Captains for 2023, Roger Hamm or Sheldon Silberman.



Here is how it works:
Pay in the clubhouse for your round an optional cart – rates are the same that the local Senior patrons pay.
Check in with the league and pick up the scorecard for Brookview (one each per tee time)
You have a choice of tees to play:  Your handicap will be calculated for each.  You need to pick one set and your opponent can pick the same or the other set.
Circle on the card which set of tees you play
Both teams will get scorecards.
The game is net match play against your opponent.  You win 2 points for each of the: front 9, back 9, overall.  6 possible per match.
A/B players tee off in the first of two tee times
A players have the honor for the front 9, switching between whoever wins the hole.  B players have the honor on the back.
C players have the honor for the front 9, switching between whoever wins the hole.  D players have the honor on the back.
Indicate on the card the points won for each: front / back / total
Both scorecards must match for all 4 golfers.
Both scorecards are to be signed by all 4 golfers.
** The league will post your scores **

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