The Brookview 20-man team won the opening leg of its home-and-home match on a Sunday, 5/2 beating New Richmond by a score of 18-12.
Brookview now heads to New Richmond, WI for the second leg on Sunday, 6/7, needing just 12.5 points to advance to the 2nd round for the first time in some 4 years.
For those unfamiliar, the 20-man match play competition is a team competition organized by the Minnesota Public Golf Association. Participating teams assemble teams consisting of their strongest 20 players to compete against another club. The format is “4-ball”, and the competition is gross score.
We need to assemble the very best squad we can. Any Brookview patron with a USGA index of 9 or under, please contact Nick Schultz or Brad Kadue to ensure your name is on our distribution. Nick will begin filling our 6/7 roster the week of 5/18.